We're a homeschooling, traveling family originally from South Padre Island, TX.
This week Eva had fun at the Kid’s Club everyday, but on Friday evening she became very sick. For the first time in her life, she had croup and a fever that reached 101 degrees (The highest she’s ever had before this was 99.)! There always seems to be something going around at the kid’s club. But what are we going to do? I’m not going to put her in a bubble. By Sunday morning she was fine and we went on our second hike of the week. Eva had a blast and insisted she take her doll stroller with her. (This “hike” is paved part of the way so she was able to.) I couldn’t get over how adorable she looked.
Damian is becoming a more chill baby everyday, which I’m very grateful for. He’s still not quite as laid back as his sister was, but hopefully he’ll get there. He is very, very smily, giggly, and goofy, though. He loves to try to talk to us and his little voice is so sweet. He started off Week 7 sleeping great (4-5 hour stretches), but towards the end his stretches went back down to 3 hours. He was finally old enough to be able to go to the Kid’s Club this week so he went there for the first time as well. He did better than I thought he would. I was worried he would cry the whole time, but thankfully he didn’t.