Evita Pilar,
Just another quick letter to check in. This has been a pretty fun month for us. We finally made it to Virginia Beach, and you were so happy to get your toes in the sand again. The water, however, was much too cold for a dip. You were a little upset about this, but still had fun running around for a few hours. A week or so later, your Grammy and Great-Grandmother visited us from Texas. You had a lot of fun bonding with them and doing “touristy” things, like taking your first trip to the monuments in DC. Your Grammy bought you your first Disney Princess movie, Frozen, which you are now obsessed with. You ask to watch it every morning. You sing and dance and spin while I run on my treadmill. It’s a pretty good babysitter, I have to admit. ???? On the other hand, I really feel like I haven’t been able to spend much time with you lately, which really bums me out. Your little brother keeps me busy, along with all the other things I have to do around the house. You’ve been better at helping me pick up your toys when you make monumental messes (which you do on a daily basis), though. You’re just growing up so quickly. Your brother is getting a little less needy and I can’t wait to start tot school up with you again. We’re going to jump right into writing letters and learning phonics. ???? I just love you so much my little princess. Thanks for being so patient with all the changes. Thanks for being mine.
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