We took a short summer trip to Mexico to surf, relax, and check out a water birthing center in Puerto Vallarta. We left the grommies behind for this trip which was actually pretty hard and I’m not sure I’ll be doing that again for a while! It had been almost a year since I last spent a week away from them. Anyway, we really liked the birthing center and I think we’ve found our spot to welcome our little love child. After spending a couple of days in PV we flew to Guerrero. The surf is much better down there and we have friends and family but we weren’t able to find a midwife that would assist in a water birth. We had lots of fun, though, and are planning on returning for my maternity leave as soon as we feel ready to leave Puerto Vallarta. I can’t believe how quickly the time is approaching!!! I’m a bit nervous but mostly just excited about the changes we’re about to experience. We’re ready!!!
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