Yesterday morning I was thinking about what to do with Eva on her day off from pre-school. Since she is obsessed with flowers, the idea popped in my head that I should take her to a Botanical Garden. I quickly Googled it and saw that the closest ones were an hour in either direction-in either DC or Richmond. I clicked on the website for the Richmond one, since it was the one I hadn’t been to yet, and I immediately saw an advertisement for the butterfly garden. I didn’t need to read any further. I closed the app, loaded up the kids in the car seats and took off. I didn’t know anything else about the gardens, so I was surprised when I arrived and saw how huge it is. There are endless paths and trails that leave you lost in rose gardens and wildflowers and, my personal favorite, orchids…
Beautiful photos!
So pretty!
Lewis Ginter is great! Maymont is also in Richmond. Huge former estate now park with Childrens Barn, Italtian gargens and Japanese gardens, nature center ($5) with lots of fish and two cute otters to watch swim around. There are bears, goats, birds and a historic mansion to tour too!
The pink orchids are STUNNING. As is Evita 🙂
This is so wonderful! I’d love to take Lyla there and your photos are so beautiful!