Dear baby Eva,

You are TEN YEARS OLD! Two hands. Double digits. It is truly crazy how fast time passes as a parent. It seems like yesterday I was carrying you around on my back wherever we’d go. Writing down every detail in this little blog of mine. Now you’re so tall and grown and beautiful with all your freckles. It has been such an honor growing with you the last decade. You have taught me so many things about life and love. You have been so patient and empathetic. You are such a loving daughter and sister. You are always looking out for your siblings, playing with them and leading them. You are so creative and your creations always bring a smile to my face. I look forward to the coming years with you. Watching you grow into a teenager and young lady- your own wonderful person. I pray every day that I can be a good mom to you, now more than ever. I want you to stay close to me but also be free to be you. I love you so much Baby Eva.



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