Dear Elijah,
Today is your half-birthday! Wow, so much has changed since that quiet Kauai morning when you joined us earthside. I don’t have the normal blanket and stuff I use for your monthly update, so this pic will have to do! I never imagined we’d be here or all of this would be going on, but you have been going with the flow! We’ve spent the last three weeks in Mexico and you’ve been enjoying being at the beach and in the water. Lately you’ve been very aware of everything around you, using your hands to grab whatever you can get them on. So far you’ve tried broccoli, carrots, and avocado which you seem to love! Other than that, you’re exclusively on the chichi and still sleeping cuddled right next to me in bed. 🙂 I love every minute of it. I’m so grateful to be your mama.
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