Dear Damian,
Today you turned six years old! You’re an adventurous little boy, and you’re always looking for things to climb or jump from. You love boogie boarding on the shore break where the waves slam into the sand. You notice every bug or critter and you’re always trying to touch or hold them, despite my request to leave them alone! Hah. You are super smart and are now finishing up the first grade, even though you’re technically supposed to be in kindergarten! You love to play video games, and even though I try and limit them I can’t help but think maybe you’ll be some kind of video game creator or something some day. You’re also learning how to play the drums and are pretty awesome at keeping a beat! You’re the sweetest little boy and your eyes still light up when you see your mama. You’re a sensitive soul with a big, big, big heart. I’m just doing my best to make sure nobody changes that about you. I love you SO much my little Damian. Thank you for being my baby.

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