One of the popular things to do in NoVA is to visit one of the many “pick-your-own” farms. There are farms with berries, apples, peaches, potatoes, pumpkins, and when the time is right… Christmas trees! I can’t wait for those. But right now, apples and peaches are starting to ripen for picking. Last weekend we…
Yesterday morning I was thinking about what to do with Eva on her day off from pre-school. Since she is obsessed with flowers, the idea popped in my head that I should take her to a Botanical Garden. I quickly Googled it and saw that the closest ones were an hour in either direction-in either…
Short bio goes here. Made in the interiors of collapsing stars billions upon billions laws of physics star stuff harvesting star light shores of the cosmic ocean cosmos.
Last weekend Eva and I took a train to Manhattan, where we met up with one of my best friends in the world (from the age of like 12!). She’s a chef at The Little Prince, a delicious restaurant in SoHo. It was so great to catch up with her and explore the area. We had…
We left South Texas at around 4am and made the 11 hour drive to New Orleans. It’s always hard for me to leave, but I was really excited about what the road had in store for us. We made one pit stop on the way to eat lunch with one of my best old friends,…
This week our little border town (which seems to be turning into a big city) celebrated Charro Days! We had a lot of fun getting dressed up and going to the parade and Sombrero Festival. Here’s a little more of what our week looked like… Pregnancy Update: Damian’s kicks and movements seem to be a…
Short bio goes here. Made in the interiors of collapsing stars billions upon billions laws of physics star stuff harvesting star light shores of the cosmic ocean cosmos.
This week our little border town (which seems to be turning into a big city) celebrated Charro Days! We had a lot of fun getting dressed up and going to the parade and Sombrero Festival. Here’s a little more of what our week looked like… Pregnancy Update: Damian’s kicks and movements seem to be a…
How do you define home? This might be the toughest question in the world for nomads. Is it the place you’ve spent the most time? Is it where you live now? Is it your favorite place you’ve lived? Is it where your family is? For me, home is none of those things, but all of…
Well it’s been about a week since I’ve blogged last but, as you can probably guess, I’m back in the USA! I received word last Monday night that my travel was approved and the next morning we said see ya later to Tanzania. Our first stop was Amsterdam, where we had about a five hour…
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