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Eva Pilar

Amy + Justin.
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Eva Pilar

Dear Baby Eva, You are now six years old. Your toddler days are far behind you, and you’ve stretched out into a beautiful little lady. I can’t believe how tall you are! You have long, light brown hair with golden tips… just like mama’s. You have beautiful chocolate eyes that I just want to eat…

Adam + Kyle.
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My Family

August has arrived and Summer seems to be wrapping up around our little island. The days are getting shorter. Kids are starting to start school back up. It almost never even felt like summer now that I work a 9 to 5. But we made it to the beach as much as possible, and I…

Sarah + Bryce.
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Earth Strong

We spent two days celebrating Eva’s birthday this year. The night before her birthday, Ryan’s band played at Rio Grande Grill in Harlingen, a restaurant owned by a couple with two kids that happen to be Eva and Damo’s exact same age. My friend Amanda made Eva a super yummy organic/gluten-free chocolate cake with strawberries,…

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