Ariela Selah,
It has been one month since you made your appearance earth side! You’ve had quite the adventure since then. Your first month was filled with activity, from our adventures trying to get your “papers,” to your first surf trip to La Ticla, to rest time at El Rancho and flying back to Texas. You’ve been a wonderful baby through it all. You spend a lot of time nursing, which I don’t mind… I’ll take all the cuddles I can get before I have to go back to work. You sleep pretty well- not through the night or anything like that, but enough that I don’t feel like a zombie or anything. When you’re awake, you’re very alert. Your big blue eyes take in all the new things to look at. Lately you’ve been giving us real smiles that just completely melt my heart. You’re intrigued by your big brother and sister and don’t mind watching or even sleeping through their loud, energetic activities. You love going to the beach and falling asleep to the sound of the waves. We’ve already dipped your little feet in the ocean. We can’t wait to get you on a surfboard! I hope you love it as much as we do. Either way, you’re the perfect addition to our family and we’re so happy you’re here.

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