Last weekend our hometown celebrated what’s known as Charro Days. I’ve written about it a bunch before, but in case you don’t know, Charro Days is a holiday that honors the special bond between South Texas and Mexico, specifically the towns of Brownsville and Matamoros. I love this holiday because it recognizes our rich history and culture. I also love it because my family has been celebrating for several generations now. It’s really special to watch my kids running around in their little outfits (even though I didn’t have a chance to get Damian a real one this year). The weather was pretty crappy so I didn’t get a chance to go to all the events and take more pictures, but here are a few from Thursday afternoon:

Comments +

  1. Beautiful photos!!

  2. Melissa D says:

    That looks really fun! 🙂

  3. Raquel says:

    I need one of those dresses for Emery! 🙂 Its so cute! We don’t have any celebrations like this around here. The most we ever have is Cinco de Mayo, and even that is a very small little festival designated to an even smaller section of our local park. 🙁 Glad to see that there are other parts of Texas that do celebrate it though! Looks like a lot of fun!

  4. So great to share culture and tradition with your babies!

  5. Blanca D says:

    This is beautiful! I love this kind of events and I participate every chance I have.

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