Comments +

  1. Jen says:

    I love this, amazing pictures! 🙂

  2. This is spooky event but all the photos looked superb fun!! Add in the cute baby too..

  3. Casey says:

    GORGEOUS photos!! Looks like a lot of fun! I’d love to experience that someday.

  4. Charlotte says:

    Fantastic photos! Thanks for linking up!

  5. What awesome photos! Happy Wednesday!

  6. Dumb Mom says:

    AWESOME photos! And, it looks like a bunch of fun too.

  7. Molly says:

    This looks like a really awesome festival.


  8. Vashelle N. says:

    I love Dia de los Muertos! The pics are gorgeous. Was this at the Mercado? I def have to put that on my bucket list when I get back home.

  9. Jamie says:

    That is awesome. What cool pictures. Thanks for linking up!

  10. Emily S says:

    I was able to experience this once when I was in Mexico, and it was amazing!

  11. Wow! They really do it up right, don’t they? Love all the shots! 🙂

    Channeling Jules Cobb – Or Just Her Giant Wine Glass and a Scientific Experiment

  12. M+W says:

    I love your pictures! It has been years since I have gone to a Dia de los muertos celebration! I love the colors in your pictures!

  13. Beth Rowland says:

    Awesome Photos!!!!! Between all the sugar skulls and pretty colors this looks like my type of thing 🙂

  14. Ruthie says:

    Good photos! You captured this festival really well!

  15. Amber says:

    The festival looks amazing!

  16. E says:

    I love all your photos from the week of all the Dia de los Muertos festivities. It’s on my bucket list to go to a celebration, one day. My parents sent me a picture of their party from Mexico and my mom went all out with her face-painting! I got a bit jealous 😉
    Eva is looking like a little person, more and more! I love the picture of her being tossed in the air. She looks so happy!
    So any news on where you and D will be headed???? Can’t wait to hear!

  17. Wow Erica these pictures are beautiful! I would love to go to a huge celebration like this someday. The alters I think are my favorite out of everything you captured. The love and thought that was put into those displays really shows. I love all the color and costumes. Actually I love it all! Haha so beautiful!

  18. Nicole says:

    Looks so fun! I’d love to go to a big celebration like that. I keep looking for one in Colorado, but to now avail. 🙁

  19. Chloee says:

    these pictures are amazing, i’ve always been fascinated by this celebration xx

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