I’m 28 years old today. I remember that’s how old my mom used to jokingly tell me she was year after year after year when I was a kid. A lot of my girlfriends are afraid of wrapping up their twenties. I used to dread it too, but as 30 approaches I’m actually looking to it with a little bit of anticipation. I know I’ve been an adult for a while now, but I’m finally starting to feel like one. And not just in the OMG-I-have-all-of-these-responsibilities type of way, but rather in an “I’ve got this” type of way. I’m starting to feel more like a woman. I don’t know if it’s from my limited experience of finally starting my career, or surviving my first year as a mother of two, but I feel a much stronger sense of confidence than I had ten or even two years ago. I’ve found it much easier to let go of things that don’t matter, to laugh about old insecurities, and just to find peace. I’ve learned so much since I entered adulthood ten years ago, and I still have so much to discover about life and the world and everything else. I’m looking forward to the next ten years (godwilling) with stars in my eyes. I’m grateful for every minute, day, month, and year on this beautiful planet. And I’m happy to have celebrated that today.

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