Dear Damian,
Yesterday you turned THREE years old! I still call you my “baby” but you always correct me and say, “I’m not a baby, I’m a BIG BOY!” And that you are. You love to talk and talk and talk. Our morning commute is never quiet. You’re fully potty trained and always on the move. You love to be outside, especially when you’re fishing. Fishing is probably your favorite thing to do, and riding your bicycle is probably second.
Every morning shortly after the sun rises you come into my room and say, “Mommy, it’s morning time” in the most adorable three-year-old voice. It’s usually followed up by, “I’m hungry,” which is a phrase I hear a lot from you. Ever since you were born you’ve loved to eat, something completely opposite of your big sister. Your favorite meal is fish and your favorite snack is strawberries. I can only imagine how much you’re going to cost me when you’re a teenager.
You’re such a wonderful little brother to Evita. You have your share of arguments, but your love for her is plain to see. You share with her and care for her and you always want her by your side. You’re also the most loving son. You love to cuddle and give me kisses. I’m so grateful to have you as my SONshine!
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