Dear Baby Eva,

You are now six years old. Your toddler days are far behind you, and you’ve stretched out into a beautiful little lady. I can’t believe how tall you are! You have long, light brown hair with golden tips… just like mama’s. You have beautiful chocolate eyes that I just want to eat for breakfast. 🙂 You’re the sweetest little girl as can be. Your heart is so big, so full, sometimes it’s the one leading mine to have more patience and more kindness. Sometimes you can be short with your little brother, but you two have a bond unlike any other! And this year you’ve gained a little sister, too, and my heart is so full when I watch your relationship grow. You’re a wonderful big sister, and an amazing daughter to have. You love to draw and paint, and your creativity constantly inspires me. I’m sooo blessed to be your mama. Thank you for being mine.



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