Another week with not a whole lot of blogging. I’ve been busy with lunch dates, outings, and catching up with family. Plus, not having a nanny anymore is cutting into to my blogging time! Hah. I have so many e-mails and comments to catch up on. I’ll get my rhythm back eventually. Eva needs hers back too. She’s still not quite used to the time change and has been waking up in the night. There was one day of complete fussiness where I actually thought she might be getting sick, but after about four hours of napping she was in a better mood. The cold, bouncing around, and constant go-go-go was a lot for her to have to adjust to. Here’s what last week looked like… a cold one that finally ended in sunshine.

Pregnancy Update: (02/07/14) My belly is growing exponentially and I’m starting to get into the uncomfortable point in pregnancy. The rib pain is definitely not going away but at least it’s not as bad as it was last time (yet). Damian is moving around a lot… even more than I remember Eva moving around. He has the hiccups often but not quite as often as I remember Eva having them. The numbers on the scale are finally going up, and I’m pretty sure it’s because I’ve been enjoying all the yummy foods of South Texas. Oh well.. I’m still on a healthy track, I think.

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