From the Forest to the Farm to the Beach. This was a busy week. We finished packing up our house and we are now safe and sound in Texas. We spent our last evening in Virginia driving to my family/friend’s hops farm in Maryland. Organarchy is the largest hops farm in the state, and they are now in the process of expanding. It’s amazing watching them do what they have done in the last few years, and I’m so proud of them. I was glad I finally got to drive over and check it out for myself before I left.

Our plane ride to Virginia was less than spectacular. United Airlines put us in an EXPRESS JET plane from Richmond all the way to Houston. That was a THREE HOUR flight. There was turbulence the ENTIRE way, no doubt because we were in such a small aircraft. There was a lady puking right next to me. They didn’t have a food or beverage service because they couldn’t push the cart down the isle. I was starving. Eva was starving. We were absolutely miserable. I couldn’t believe it. It was all worth it when we finally got home to this…

This is the week that Damian finally figured out the whole crawling thing. He has also gotten better at picking himself up and standing on things. He seriously wants to do it all day long. He has been a little sick for the last few days, though, which worries me. Eva was never sick as an infant, and it seems Damian can’t catch a break. ???? Still, he’s been less grumpy than last week so I don’t think it’s affecting him too much.

Eva was ecstatic to be back at the beach, as you can imagine. “Look, Mommy! The Ocean! I love the ocean!” she exclaimed. She was running around, splashing in the water, finding shells and throwing sand. She was also happy to see her grandparents again, as was I. I’m so glad we are here to stay for a while.

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