Eva had an amazing week for a two-year-old. We went on an outing to Maymont in Richmond, which I’ll write about another time. The highlight of our week, of course, was Halloween. It was Eva’s first time trick-or-treating and she’s obsessed now. I had to explain to her the next day why we couldn’t do it again. At least she has enough candy to last until next year (just kidding… with my sweet tooth that candy won’t last a week).

Damian is able to scoot himself further and further. I think he understands the concept of needing to be on his hands and knees to be more efficient now, but I still don’t think I can call what he does “crawling.” He’s also starting to pull himself up on things and loves being in the standing position the most.

All week I was wondering how I could incorporate babywearing into Halloween this year. Well, on Halloween I decided to see if my Ergo would fit through the costume I already got him, and it was a match made in heaven! Luckily, I had a red hood from two years ago so I was able to match him as well. Super stoked!

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