Damian has officially started solids. Yes, we let him nibble on cantaloupe and banana when we were in Jamaica, but now I’m giving him pureed food about twice a day. I also planned on waiting until six months to introduce solids, but boy was he ready. And he’s close enough, anyway. He LOVES food. So far he has tried green beans, sweet potato, and carrots. I seriously can’t shovel it into his mouth fast enough. If I wait too long between spoonfuls, he starts whining for it. This is a whole new world for me, because Eva was never really that interested in food, especially not pureed foods. I’m so happy that I don’t have another picky eater!

I got this little girl outdoors as much as possible this week, and I’m so glad I did. Looking at the forecast for this week it looks like the cold weather is here to stay. We spent our last few warm(ish) days on nature walks, pumpkin patches, and playgrounds. It might not have been the beach, which she still begs to go to everyday, but I know she had fun. I’m going to have to start coming up with some fun indoor activities, though!

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