Another fun week at the beach for Damian. He loved splashing in the ocean and eating his fair share of sand. Other than that, not much new. He’s continuing to grow into a big boy and getting stronger every day. All the ladies at the Beaches’ Kids Camp were fighting over him. He’s my handsome little man. <3

Eva had so much fun with all the Sesame Street activities at Beaches. She hung out with the characters everyday. After two weeks of it, I feel like she thought it was just her new life. Between that and the beach, Eva had another “best week of her life.” But the plane ride home? Not so much. We were delayed in Charlotte, North Carolina for like 5 hours and didn’t end up leaving until 1 in the morning. Eva hadn’t napped all day, and she was miserable. For a while she was just screaming nonstop. I had to put her in the Ergo and let Damian ride in the stroller so that she could fall asleep. I felt so bad for her. At least it gave her a reason to be happy to be home. The next day she was cheerful as can be, and it was back to routine.

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