I’ve pretty much given up on dressing Eva. She throws a huge fit if I try to put shorts or pants on her lately. She has to wear dresses or skirts (but only if the skirts are frilly). Preferably pink. Once again, I’m floored as to where she gets this from. I was never like this and I never tried to push “girliness” on her. But she is her own little person, and I need to respect that. Even if it means she puts together outfits I don’t necessarily agree with. She mostly pulls it off, though:

Damian started sleeping so well this week! There was one night where he only woke up once the whole night. A few of the other nights he only woke up a second time because EVA woke him up! (She still wakes up around 6am and wants a sippy with milk before falling back asleep. Ugh.) He’s also switched up his bedtime routine all on his own. Instead of wanting to fall asleep in my arms and then me stealthily transferring him to his co-sleeper, when he is finished nursing he wants to immediately be put into his co-sleeper AWAKE where he falls asleep ON HIS OWN. Say what?!? This is a completely new thing to me, since I pretty much still have to put Eva to sleep. The last few nights Damian actually fusses if I hold him any longer than when he’s finished nursing. He still stays awake pretty much all day, though, with the occasional nap (that usually only lasts 20 minutes or less). Other than that, Damian has spent a lot of time at the beach and in the pool this week. I’m so glad he’s a little water baby.
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