This has been a week with a lot of “firsts” for Eva: her first train ride, her first subway ride, her first trip to the Big Apple, her first ferris wheel ride, and her first bicycle. I’m so nervous about introducing a new baby to the family. I can’t help but wonder how she’ll react. Lately she seems to really know what’s going on, though. She points to my belly and says, “baby brother.” She points to the things I’ve bought for Damian and says stuff like, “baby brother’s carseat,” etc. Every now and then she’ll point to my belly and exclaim, “Baby brother is coming!” She’s also been “practicing” taking care of a baby with her dolls…

4/4/14- This week I’m considered Full Term!! If I were to go into labor, the baby would probably be born perfectly fine (assuming complications relating to other things besides gestational age don’t arise). I met with her on Tuesday for my first check-up since 24 weeks. Everything was looking good. My cervix was “long and closed” but the midwife said the baby is head-down, very low and “bulging,” so he’s ready to go! Hearing about my cervix being closed kind of gives me the feeling the baby won’t be coming any time soon, though. I think with Eva I was already a bit dilated by now. Oh well. All I can do is wait, I guess. Let the countdown begin!
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